Challenging conversations with employees - PINKTUM offers three new e⁠-⁠training courses for managers

Nikolaus Schäfer

Challenging conversations with employees -

PINKTUM offers three new e⁠-⁠training courses for managers

New workbooks will be gradually introduced to each e⁠-⁠training course, allowing for a much more interactive learning experience

New offers enable practice-oriented and sustainable learning

As one of Germany’s leading digital training providers, PINKTUM is once again focusing on the digital skills of managers with three new e⁠-⁠training courses.

With the new course topics Herausfordernde Gespräche mit Mitarbeitenden souverän meistern, Gespräche mit Mitarbeitenden konstruktiv und nachhaltig führenas well as Argumentieren und überzeugen mit der Fünfsatztechnik, the e⁠-⁠learning specialist complements its broad digital training offer. Thus meeting the current demands of hybrid work models, and supporting managers in virtual and "offline" leadership.

"Appraisals are a central management tool. However, such discussions only offer sustainable benefits if they are conducted in an appreciative and goal-oriented manner. Transparent communication and an open attitude are essential for this. With our e⁠-⁠training courses, we offer particularly practice-oriented and sustainable solutions for digital personnel development," explains Philipp Mehrtens, CSO of PINKTUM. "Our new offer for managers responds to current market demand, as the three new e⁠-⁠trainings support managers in their tasks that are now pending, such as conducting target achievement or appraisal interviews at the end of the year, among other things. E⁠-⁠training has now established itself as a clear component of effective and successful leadership," Mehrtens added.

With our current theme "Conducting Conversations", PINKTUM focusses on how to confidently handle challenging conversations with employees. Since many companies have annual reviews coming up and there are also potentially unpleasant topics to discuss, managers can use the courses to prepare themselves optimally for complex discussions. In challenging discussions, for example, the digital learning methods support them in adopting a goal-oriented attitude. In PINKTUM e⁠-⁠trainings, managers learn to manage emotions with empathy so that they can convey and receive objective and critical feedback. In this way, difficult situations are to be mastered competently.

Once the conditions for constructive conversations have been created, the courses help to learn about and understand the importance of conversations with employees, to prepare for the conversation in advance and to structure the focus of the conversation in a meaningful way. In the process, managers learn effective techniques for conducting conversations. With the help of our courses, they immerse themselves in the special features of virtual appraisal interviews and learn which subtleties promote the exchange.

PINKTUM will also deepen the topic of "Leading conversations" with three blog articles and a guide to download free of charge.

The blog posts can be found here:

Sechs Empfehlungen für eine überzeugende Argumentation

Sieben Tipps für eine produktive Atmoshäre

Der Kompass für das herausfordernde Mitarbeitergespräch

You can download the guide " Argumentieren und Überzeugen" here


PINKTUM is one of the leading providers of corporate e⁠-⁠learning and web-based training for effective and sustainable employee development. For more than ten years, the high-quality digital learning experiences have been inspiring employees. The e⁠-⁠learning courses promote intercultural and barrier-free development. PINKTUM's internationally award-winning online library includes more than 400 video-based, interactive and multilingual e⁠-⁠learnings. PINKTUM also develops and offers modular learning paths for targeted competence development, also as blended learning. In this way, learning is integrated into everyday working life in a sustainable and targeted manner and self-learning motivation is activated.

PINKTUM is the brand name of Pink University GmbH, founded in 2010 and based in Hamburg and Munich. The company is part of the PAWLIK Group.

Press contact PINKTUM:
Pink University GmbH
Vanessa Johnson
Head of Marketing & Communications
+49 89 547 278 44 18

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