Pink University goes international responding to global demand

Beitragsbild PM Internationalisierung
Christina Berger

Munich/Hamburg, 19.07.2021. Pink University GmbH, which has been part of the Pawlik Group since 2019, will go international and expand to Australia, Malaysia, the UK and the Netherlands this year.

"The Corona Virus has forced many companies to look for new, sustainable solutions for the further development of their employees," explains Philipp Mehrtens, Managing Director at Pink University. Therefore,  digital learning is  currently in high demand not only in Europe, but worldwide. Sales experts see the future market for e⁠-⁠learning and web-based training on a steep growth trajectory which the Hamburg and Munich-based company will take advantage of.


Over the next five years, the e⁠-⁠learning provider plans to create more than 2,600 new e⁠-⁠trainings for the international markets. It is therefore significantly expanding studio capacity, technology and invest in people. In 2021 alone, the number of employees at Pink University
will triple.

Pink University is well aware of the importance of cultural fit for e⁠-⁠learning to be effective in different countries of the world. In order to meet the requirements of international and regional customers, the e⁠-⁠learnings are produced in local languages or language variants with different adaptation levels, from "fully localized" to "culturally fair", i.e. embedded in the local culture. "To do this, we partnered with proven experts in the local markets," Mehrtens explains.

The e⁠-⁠learning provider brings the HR consultancy GA Consulting with founder Gudrun Adam on board. Adam brings over 20 years of experience in Learning and Development and will manage the expansion through Asia Pacific. Adam has already brought Dr. Jerome-Pierre
Bonnifay on board to fully explore Malaysia and its bordering countries. Dr. Bonnifay is the founder of High Performance Individuals, a well established Training & HR Consultancy Firm, with offices in Asia and Africa.

About Pink University

Pink University is one of the leading providers of e⁠-⁠learning and web-based training for effective and sustainable personnel development in companies. The international award-winning e⁠-⁠library includes over 130 video-based, interactive e⁠-⁠learnings. In addition, Pink University develops and offers modular learning paths for targeted competence evelopment, also as blended learning, in order to integrate learning sustainably and purposefully into everyday working life and to activate self-learning motivation.

About PAWLIK Group

The PAWLIK Group supports customers with HR development, organizational development, HR consulting and digital services. Companies at 14 locations worldwide combine their services for the customer. The focus is on people.

Pink University GmbH
Rüdesheimer Straße 7 (4. Obergeschoss)
80686 München
Vanessa Johnson
Phone: +49 (0)89/5 47 27 84 10

Pawlik Consultants GmbH
Zirkusweg 2
20359 Hamburg
Kristina Behrend
Phone: +49 (0)40/532 850-13

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