Our Blog

Lifelong learning is at the heart of what we do, and we’re here to fuel that journey. On the PINKTUM blog, we share fresh perspectives and expert insights to help you enhance your soft skills and grow professionally.

As a leader, you care about your team’s mental health— of course, you do! In today’s fast-paced, ever-changing world, the
Ever catch yourself rolling your eyes at a “Boomer moment” or thinking, “Classic Gen Z?” Generational differences are the spice
Do you underestimate the power of praise? You’re not alone, many leaders feel this way, but there are many benefits
Lean management has its origins in the Toyota Production System (TPS), which was developed in the 1950s. Originally, lean was
“Sustainability” is probably one of the biggest buzzwords of the 21st century. Not only in the private, but also in
Employee turnover and employee retention are two sides of the same coin. High employee retention ensures low turnover, while high
Risk-takers, emotional, reserved—each person has a unique personality. Your employees are characterized by different traits and needs. This type of
What are soft skills and why are they, together with generic skills, considered as key factors for competitiveness and effective
Networking plays an important role for individuals as well as companies. Those who network well also know that networking is
Lateral leadership is used to motivate employees to achieve a common goal under the guidance of the manager – without