The e-training provides an in-depth insight into how lean management can be successfully implemented in companies. Especially the area of process optimisation and streamlining is also interesting for the insurance industry and its customers. In this training, challenges in the implementation of Lean Management are dealt with, as well as possible motivators for insurance employees to become actively involved - in the sense of continuous improvement. A special focus in this course is the customer cycle and thus the provision of products and services in line with demand, as well as the streamlining and optimisation of processes in general, which can ultimately increase the quality of customer advice and reduce costs.
Managers in the distribution of insurance products
Knowing the enemies of lean management and learning to work around them
Motivate employees in insurance companies to actively shape lean processes in order to optimise processes and sharpen the customer focus.
Shaping the interplay between signal and mandate in a way that makes sense for insurance clients and for the company itself.
Optimise the existing value stream for better service to insurance customers