Mental Health: Die psychische Gesundheit der Mitarbeitenden schützen
macrolearningMental Health: Safeguarding Employee Mental Health—Prioritizing Well-Being
Mental Health: Safeguarding Employee Mental Health—Prioritizing Well-Being
Ensuring employees' mental well-being is crucial for companies and management—not just due to the substantial economic impact of mental health problems annually. Therefore, prevention and support must be deeply integrated into everyday management practices. This e⁠-⁠training course explains how different leadership styles can make a leader either a resource or a stressor for their team. It details the benefits of transformational leadership and guidance on how to arrange daily work to prioritize employees' mental health. The importance of recognition and providing appropriate autonomy in tasks is also highlighted. Moreover, it promotes the creation of a supportive company culture and outlines how managers can safeguard their own mental health, considering the specific challenges they encounter.
Lernen fördern – Eine Lernkultur im Team etablieren
macrolearningPromoting Learning: Fostering a Culture of Learning within Your Team
Promoting Learning: Fostering a Culture of Learning within Your Team
Success today doesn't guarantee relevance tomorrow. This holds true for both individuals and entire companies. With the world evolving rapidly, so do the requirements for professional skills. To stay competitive, companies must cultivate a forward-thinking learning culture. his e⁠-⁠training course offers insights into the supportive conditions needed across three key areas: organizational structure, corporate culture, and leadership dynamics. Managers, serving as role models, play a crucial role in granting employees the autonomy to chart their own paths of learning.
Fehlerkultur im Team – Konstruktiv mit Fehlern umgehen
macrolearningNavigating an Error Culture in the Team—Fostering a Positive Approach to Mistakes
Navigating an Error Culture in the Team—Fostering a Positive Approach to Mistakes
Everyone makes mistakes. It's inevitable and often necessary for learning and growth. Utilize the potential of mistakes in your team! However, ensure that the negative effects of mistakes are addressed quickly and effectively, and subsequent errors are prevented. This can be achieved by establishing a positive error culture within your team. In this e⁠-⁠training course, you will learn how negative and positive error cultures differ and the values and norms underlying a positive error culture. Additionally, you will be equipped with various methods to empower your team members to handle mistakes confidently.
Generationenübergreifend führen und zusammenarbeiten
macrolearningLeading Across Generations
Leading Across GenerationsLeading Across GenerationsLeading Across GenerationsLeading Across Generations
The focus of this training is about building positive connections among employees from different generations and between managers and team members of various ages—both on a personal and professional level. The e⁠-⁠training course aims to spark ideas for smooth intergenerational collaboration and provides tips on the challenges and potential conflicts that managers might encounter. It also sheds light on the opportunities that come with working across multiple generations.
Teamentwicklung erfolgreich gestalten
macrolearningSuccessfully Structuring Team Development
Successfully Structuring Team DevelopmentSuccessfully Structuring Team DevelopmentSuccessfully Structuring Team DevelopmentSuccessfully Structuring Team DevelopmentSuccessfully Structuring Team Development
Learn the basics for your job as a team leader by setting realistic goals and motivating the team for the long run. This course teaches you how to ensure a clear distribution of tasks within your team and how to not only agree on, but implement goal-oriented rules. Furthermore, this e⁠-⁠learning includes measures to promote constructive communication and shows the participants how they can use simple means to sustainably promote trust and cohesion on their team.
Interkulturelle Kommunikation in Teams
macrolearningIntercultural Communication in Teams
Intercultural Communication in TeamsIntercultural Communication in TeamsIntercultural Communication in TeamsIntercultural Communication in TeamsIntercultural Communication in Teams
Teams are becoming more diverse, as members can often hail from different countries and cultures. Consequently, intercultural communication is becoming more and more important, especially at work. In this e⁠-⁠learning course, users will learn what "culture" means and discuss important concepts from the works of Geert Hofstede and E. T. Hall. Participants will also learn how to become more aware of cultural differences and receive valuable leadership tools with which to manage intercultural teams. The aim of the course is to enhance the intercultural skills of the participants.
Teamphasen erfolgreich gestalten
macrolearningManage Team Phases Successfully
Manage Team Phases SuccessfullyManage Team Phases SuccessfullyManage Team Phases SuccessfullyManage Team Phases SuccessfullyManage Team Phases Successfully
The four team phases according to Bruce Tuckman form the core of this e⁠-⁠learning course. Participants will learn how to accompany their team proactively through a series of phases. The course explains each phase individually and shows examples of the phase using common scenarios. Building on this, participants learn more about management instruments suitable for each phase. The five dysfunctions of a team according to Lencioni are also presented in a separate chapter. This course contains checklists, exercises and transfer tasks.
Teamrollen kennen und produktiv machen
macrolearningKnowing Team Roles and Making Them Productive
Knowing Team Roles and Making Them ProductiveKnowing Team Roles and Making Them ProductiveKnowing Team Roles and Making Them ProductiveKnowing Team Roles and Making Them ProductiveKnowing Team Roles and Making Them Productive
At the core of this e⁠-⁠learning are Meredith Belbin's team roles. The participants get to know the three main types of roles on a team: activity-based, thinking and problem-solving, and people-oriented roles. Strengths and weaknesses of each role are presented in detail, promoting understanding and appreciation of the Belbin model and the resulting role differences. Aiming to support the participants in their skill development, this course also contains checklists, exercises, and transfer tasks.
Ich möchte in meinem Team die AI Literacy erhöhen
microlearningI Want to Increase AI Literacy in My Team
I Want to Increase AI Literacy in My TeamI Want to Increase AI Literacy in My Team
How you as a manager can improve the AI literacy of your team, with a special focus on Responsible AI.
Generationenübergreifende Zusammenarbeit – so klappt´s
microlearningIntergenerational Collaboration and How It Works
Intergenerational Collaboration and How It WorksIntergenerational Collaboration and How It WorksIntergenerational Collaboration and How It Works
Despite (age) differences in the team, look for common ground, clarify points of friction, agree on rules and benefit from each other.
Wissenstransfer von Alt zu Jung und umgekehrt
microlearningBridging Generational Gaps through Intergenerational Knowledge Exchange
Bridging Generational Gaps through Intergenerational Knowledge ExchangeBridging Generational Gaps through Intergenerational Knowledge ExchangeBridging Generational Gaps through Intergenerational Knowledge Exchange
If the transfer of knowledge within the team stalls at generational boundaries, it's time to overcome this barrier. This micro gives tips on how to do this. This way, you can utilise potential and your team can learn from each other!
Meine Mitarbeitenden werden immer gestresst, sobald ich den Raum betrete
microlearningMy employees always get stressed as soon as I enter the room
My employees always get stressed as soon as I enter the room
A manager can be a stressor for their team that is perceived as a burden or a resource that provides support and helps them to cope with stress. This micro gives managers tips on how they can better manage to be a resource.
Ich lasse meinen Mitarbeitenden viel Handlungsspielraum, trotzdem sind sie unzufrieden
microlearningI give my employees a lot of room for manoeuvre, but they are still dissatisfied
I give my employees a lot of room for manoeuvre, but they are still dissatisfied
More room for manoeuvre for employees does not automatically mean more well-being. This microlearning is designed to help managers differentiate: What is real room for manoeuvre? Where is freedom useful and when would leadership be desirable?
Mehr Wohlbefinden der Mitarbeitenden durch Vermeidung von Gratifikationskrisen
microlearningGreater employee well-being by avoiding gratification crises
Greater employee well-being by avoiding gratification crises
Avoiding gratification crises can not only have a positive impact on the productivity of team members, but also on their well-being. Microlearning provides tips on how to do this.
Verständnis für Rollenunterschiede im Team fördern
microlearningFostering Appreciation for Role Variations Within the Team
Fostering Appreciation for Role Variations Within the Team
Teams excel when members interact productively within their diverse roles. It's essential for individuals to recognize these role differences and collaborate with mutual understanding. As a manager, it is your job to foster this understanding!
Rollen im Team erkennen und nutzen
microlearningEmbracing and Leveraging Team Roles
Embracing and Leveraging Team Roles
Different roles enrich your team and increase its efficiency! The Meredith Belbin role model outlines three key role groups and their contributions to achieving success together.
Meine Mitarbeitenden finden Weiterbildung unnötig
microlearningMy employees find further training unnecessary
My employees find further training unnecessary
In this micro you will learn how to motivate your employees to see lifelong learning as something worth striving for and how to create a culture of curiosity and thirst for knowledge.
Meine Mitarbeitenden schaffen es nicht, Lernen im Tagesablauf einzubauen
microlearningMy employees don't manage to incorporate learning into their daily routine
My employees don't manage to incorporate learning into their daily routine
What most employees lack when it comes to further training is time. Here you will learn how to find learning time together with them.
Working out Loud: Wissen zwischen Mitarbeitenden teilen
microlearningWorking out Loud: Sharing knowledge between employees
Working out Loud: Sharing knowledge between employees
Employees set themselves a learning goal and share their knowledge in a group of people with similar challenges. This exchange enables them to support and develop each other.
Mit Lernplänen Mitarbeitende gezielt weiterbilden
microlearningTraining employees in a targeted manner with learning plans
Training employees in a targeted manner with learning plans
In today's fast-paced professional world, you can use learning plans to provide all your employees with professional development so that they benefit themselves and your company benefits too.
Ein Teammitglied schadet mit häufigen Fehlern der Teamperformance
microlearningA Team Member Undermines Team Performance with Frequent Mistakes
A Team Member Undermines Team Performance with Frequent MistakesA Team Member Undermines Team Performance with Frequent Mistakes
To avoid mistakes, a functional feedback culture and open communication are just as important as the joint exploration of possible causes. This micro provides impulses for that.
Meine älteren Mitarbeitenden nehmen mich als junge Führungskraft nicht ernst
microlearningMy More Experienced Employees Don't Take Me Seriously as a Young Manager
My More Experienced Employees Don't Take Me Seriously as a Young ManagerMy More Experienced Employees Don't Take Me Seriously as a Young ManagerMy More Experienced Employees Don't Take Me Seriously as a Young Manager
Managers always have to prove themselves to some extent. The situation is intensified when young managers face more experienced team members. This micro provides tips to less experienced team leaders.
Jüngere Kolleg:innen haben keinen Respekt vor meinem Erfahrungsschatz
microlearningLess Experienced Colleagues Don't Respect My Wealth of Experience
Less Experienced Colleagues Don't Respect My Wealth of ExperienceLess Experienced Colleagues Don't Respect My Wealth of ExperienceLess Experienced Colleagues Don't Respect My Wealth of Experience
If less experienced colleagues do not respect the life experiences and achievements of more experienced team members, a conversation on equal footing is needed.
Ein Mitglied in meinem Team verbreitet schlechte Stimmung
microlearningOne of My Team Members is Spreading Negativity
One of My Team Members is Spreading Negativity
This micro will show you the best way to deal with someone on your team who is spreading negative emotions that are affecting other members of your team.
Mein Teammitglied findet die Unternehmensziele nicht realistisch
microlearningMy Team Member Thinks Our Company Goals Aren't Realistic
My Team Member Thinks Our Company Goals Aren't RealisticMy Team Member Thinks Our Company Goals Aren't Realistic
Here's how to support your employees when they feel company goals are unrealistic.
Ein Teammitglied will eine Beförderung, aber ich sehe das Potential nicht
microlearningA Team Member Wants a Promotion, but I Don't See Any Potential in Them
A Team Member Wants a Promotion, but I Don't See Any Potential in Them
If someone in your team applies for a promotion and you don't see that they have the potential, then you should give them clear and devlopment-oriented feedback. In this microlearning you will be shown how to do this.
Die ganzheitliche Zielvereinbarung
microlearningHolistic Goal Setting
Holistic Goal SettingHolistic Goal Setting
Through goal setting, you help your employees identify with the company's goals and agree on individual sub-goals.