PINKTUM E⁠-⁠Learnings

Goldene Regeln fürs Prototyping
microlearningGolden Rules for Prototyping
Golden Rules for Prototyping
Testing with participants and continual improvement of prototypes follow some fundamental rules. They are the focus of this micro.
Fehlerursachen nachhaltig beseitigen mit dem Schweizer-Käse-Modell
microlearningEliminating Errors at the Root Sustainably with the Swiss Cheese Model
Eliminating Errors at the Root Sustainably with the Swiss Cheese Model
When a mistake happens, there's often more to it than meets the eye. The Swiss Cheese Model can help systematically examine and analyze the causes of errors.
Wie startest du ins Prototyping?
microlearningHow Do You Start Prototyping?
How Do You Start Prototyping?
The conditions for prototyping are diverse. This micro provides initial orientation.
Ich habe keine Ahnung, was mein Teammitglied im Homeoffice eigentlich macht!
microlearningI Have No Idea What My Team Member Actually Does in Home Office!
I Have No Idea What My Team Member Actually Does in Home Office!I Have No Idea What My Team Member Actually Does in Home Office!I Have No Idea What My Team Member Actually Does in Home Office!
Regular check-ins, status reports, and collaboration platforms can help keep home-based workers engaged.
Ein Mitglied in meinem Team verbreitet schlechte Stimmung
microlearningOne of My Team Members is Spreading Negativity
One of My Team Members is Spreading Negativity
This micro will show you the best way to deal with someone on your team who is spreading negative emotions that are affecting other members of your team.
Die Trennung zwischen Homeoffice und Zuhause gelingt mir nicht
microlearningStruggling to Separate My Work in My Home Office from My Personal Life
Struggling to Separate My Work in My Home Office from My Personal LifeStruggling to Separate My Work in My Home Office from My Personal LifeStruggling to Separate My Work in My Home Office from My Personal Life
Those who work from home face the challenge that many of the usual work structures don't exist. This micro shows how they can better structure their own work time.
Ich habe keinen Kopf für das Gespräch, will aber nicht unhöflich wirken
microlearningI Can't Concentrate on the Conversation, but Don't Want to Seem Rude
I Can't Concentrate on the Conversation, but Don't Want to Seem RudeI Can't Concentrate on the Conversation, but Don't Want to Seem RudeI Can't Concentrate on the Conversation, but Don't Want to Seem Rude
Sometimes an important conversation lacks the attention it needs. Find out here how to make your conversation partner feel valued.
Ich habe eine wichtige Info nicht verstanden, traue mich aber nicht, nachzufragen
microlearningThe Dilemma of Not Understanding Important Information and Feeling Uncomfortable Asking About It
The Dilemma of Not Understanding Important Information and Feeling Uncomfortable Asking About ItThe Dilemma of Not Understanding Important Information and Feeling Uncomfortable Asking About ItThe Dilemma of Not Understanding Important Information and Feeling Uncomfortable Asking About It
If you're missing any information, don't be afraid to ask. In fact, if you phrase your request correctly, it has several advantages!
Im Homeoffice werde ich ständig von meinen Kindern unterbrochen
microlearningDealing with Interruptions from My Children in Home Office
Dealing with Interruptions from My Children in Home OfficeDealing with Interruptions from My Children in Home OfficeDealing with Interruptions from My Children in Home Office
In a home office, you always seem available and approachable as a parent. This micro shows how simple symbols can be used to clearly distinguish work mode from home mode.
Ich schaffe es nicht, mich als fachliche Führungskraft durchzusetzen
microlearningChallenges Faced When Asserting Myself in a Leadership Position
Challenges Faced When Asserting Myself in a Leadership PositionChallenges Faced When Asserting Myself in a Leadership PositionChallenges Faced When Asserting Myself in a Leadership Position
In order to be assertive in a leadership position, it is important to confidently communicate one's professional competence and to foster empathy and open communication in the team.
Ich habe das Gefühl, mein Teammitglied ist unglücklich im Unternehmen
microlearningI Have a Feeling My Team Member Is Unhappy in the Company
I Have a Feeling My Team Member Is Unhappy in the CompanyI Have a Feeling My Team Member Is Unhappy in the Company
You feel that your team member is absolutely not happy with the current state of affairs in the company. If you are open about your observation, you can find a solution together.
Ich habe vor einer Entscheidung oft Angst vor negativen Konsequenzen
microlearningBefore Making a Decision, I Am Often Afraid of a Negative Outcome
Before Making a Decision, I Am Often Afraid of a Negative OutcomeBefore Making a Decision, I Am Often Afraid of a Negative Outcome
Many people are afraid of making the wrong decisions and are often paralyzed by their fears in the decision-making process. This does not have to be the case! In this micro-learning, we provide tips on how to make decisions with confidence.
Ich möchte hart in der Sache sein, aber gleichzeitig nett zu den Menschen
microlearningI Want To Be Firm on Important Matters, yet Show Empathy and Kindness to People
I Want To Be Firm on Important Matters, yet Show Empathy and Kindness to PeopleI Want To Be Firm on Important Matters, yet Show Empathy and Kindness to People
If you want to find a good balance between being assertive and empathetic, the best way is to focus on authenticity and appreciation for the other
Ich finde als Führungskraft die Balance zwischen professioneller und persönlicher Ebene nicht
microlearningStriking a Balance Between Professional and Personal Levels as a Manager
Striking a Balance Between Professional and Personal Levels as a ManagerStriking a Balance Between Professional and Personal Levels as a ManagerStriking a Balance Between Professional and Personal Levels as a Manager
Leaders need clear personal/professional boundaries that are comfortable for them and their team members.
Meine Mitarbeiter:innen reagieren komisch, wenn ich sie lobe
microlearningMy Employees React Strangely to Praise
My Employees React Strangely to Praise
You want to appreciate your employees and praise them for their work. In this micro-learning, we will show you how to give praise that is specific, sincere, factual, professional, and individualized.
Mir fällt es schwer, Lob von anderen anzunehmen
microlearningI Find It Hard to Accept Praise from Others
I Find It Hard to Accept Praise from Others
You can allow yourself to accept praise and enjoy the positive words of others.
Meinen Mitarbeitenden fehlt die Zeit, E-Trainings sinnvoll zu nutzen
microlearningMy Employees Lack the Time to Make Good Use of E⁠-⁠training Courses
My Employees Lack the Time to Make Good Use of E⁠-⁠training Courses
E⁠-⁠training courses offer great potential for businesses. It is important that employees do not see them as an extra obligation in a busy workday, but as an opportunity for professional development.
Mein Kollege oder meine Kollegin respektiert meine Grenzen nicht und setzt mich dauernd unter Druck
microlearningMy Coworker Doesn't Respect My Boundaries and Is Constantly Pressuring Me
My Coworker Doesn't Respect My Boundaries and Is Constantly Pressuring MeMy Coworker Doesn't Respect My Boundaries and Is Constantly Pressuring MeMy Coworker Doesn't Respect My Boundaries and Is Constantly Pressuring Me
Boundaries at work are important for mental health and job performance. This micro shows you how to defend them.
Gesunde Augen mit der 20-20-20-Regel
microlearningKeep Your Eyes Healthy with the 20-20-20 Rule
Keep Your Eyes Healthy with the 20-20-20 Rule
Do your eyes get tired and dry quickly with all the screen work you do? In this micro-learning, we'll introduce you to the 20-20-20 rule, which you can use to give your eyes quick and easy relief.
Mit Achtsamkeit den Arbeitsalltag gelassen meistern
microlearningCalmly Navigate Everyday Life through Mindfulness
Calmly Navigate Everyday Life through Mindfulness
Mindfulness can help you keep your perspective in stressful situations.
Ich muss meinen Kund:innen eine Preisanpassung erklären
microlearningI Have to Explain a Price Adjustment to My Customers
I Have to Explain a Price Adjustment to My CustomersI Have to Explain a Price Adjustment to My CustomersI Have to Explain a Price Adjustment to My CustomersI Have to Explain a Price Adjustment to My Customers
In order not to lose your customers to the competition when you adjust your prices, you have to make sure that they understand your reasons for the price adjustment and continue to trust you. Here's how you can do that.
Bedarfsermittlung: meine Kund:innen geben nicht alle Informationen preis
microlearningNeeds Assessment: My Customers Do Not Disclose All Their Information
Needs Assessment: My Customers Do Not Disclose All Their InformationNeeds Assessment: My Customers Do Not Disclose All Their InformationNeeds Assessment: My Customers Do Not Disclose All Their InformationNeeds Assessment: My Customers Do Not Disclose All Their Information
To be able to offer complete solutions, you need to know everything when assessing a customer's needs. Here you will discover effective ways to obtain the desired information from your customer.
Ich berate meine Kund:innen noch nicht ganzheitlich genug
microlearningI’m Not Advising My Customers Solution-Oriented Enough Yet
I’m Not Advising My Customers Solution-Oriented Enough YetI’m Not Advising My Customers Solution-Oriented Enough YetI’m Not Advising My Customers Solution-Oriented Enough YetI’m Not Advising My Customers Solution-Oriented Enough Yet
Comprehensive solutions are a win-win situation for you and your customers. This micro gives you useful tips on how to advise your customers in a solution-oriented manner.
Verkaufsgespräch: Ich möchte meine Kund:innen nicht überrumpeln
microlearningSales Pitch: I Don't Want To Take My Customers by Surprise
Sales Pitch: I Don't Want To Take My Customers by SurpriseSales Pitch: I Don't Want To Take My Customers by SurpriseSales Pitch: I Don't Want To Take My Customers by Surprise
This micro is about entering the sales conversation with confidence and elegance.
Auf Veranstaltungen trau ich mich nicht zu netzwerken
microlearningI'm Uncomfortable Networking at Events
I'm Uncomfortable Networking at EventsI'm Uncomfortable Networking at EventsI'm Uncomfortable Networking at Events
How to navigate networking opportunities at an event
Kaltakquise ist mir unangenehm
microlearningCold Calling Makes Me Uncomfortable
Cold Calling Makes Me UncomfortableCold Calling Makes Me UncomfortableCold Calling Makes Me Uncomfortable
If you cold-call, you'll also face rejection. This course will show you how to deal with rejection effectively and empathetically so that you can succeed.
Ich weiß nicht, was meine Kund:innen wirklich wollen
microlearningI Don't Know What My Customers Really Want
I Don't Know What My Customers Really WantI Don't Know What My Customers Really WantI Don't Know What My Customers Really Want
To advise your customers according to their needs, it helps to ask open questions and learn more about them.
Ich möchte meine Kundenbeziehung vertiefen, ohne zu nerven
microlearningI Want To Deepen My Customer Relationships Without Being Annoying
I Want To Deepen My Customer Relationships Without Being AnnoyingI Want To Deepen My Customer Relationships Without Being Annoying
The whole point of building a relationship is to make your relationship stand out from the competition. Just like in the past when you enjoyed sport events together. But how do you do that, with today's compliance rules?
Meine Mitarbeiter:innen betreiben kein Cross-Selling
microlearningMy employees do not cross-sell
My employees do not cross-sellMy employees do not cross-sell
Cross-selling is a great way to increase sales and make your business more successful. By boosting your employees' self-confidence, you can motivate them to cross-sell.
Ich will meine Kund:innen nicht drängen
microlearningI Don't Want To Pressure My Customers
I Don't Want To Pressure My CustomersI Don't Want To Pressure My Customers
This micro is about being able to recognize when it's the right time for the customer to make a purchase decision and how to communicate that to them. After all, information about the decision is an important basis for possible further negotiations.