macrolearningTime Management
Time ManagementTime ManagementTime ManagementTime Management
Anyone wanting to use time productively must first have an idea of where their time currently goes. This e⁠-⁠learning begins by inviting participants to write down their estimates. Then, for two weeks, write down what you've done during every hour of the day. This self-assessment will then be used as a basis for learning the essential methods of time management. The Pomodoro Method, batching, timeboxing, and prioritizing according to the Eisenhower Matrix. The goal is for participants to learn to manage their time in a way that other team members can rely on. This e⁠-⁠learning can also be used to get to know individual methods more closely.
Erfolgreich arbeiten im Homeoffice
macrolearningWorking Successfully in Your Home Office
Working Successfully in Your Home OfficeWorking Successfully in Your Home OfficeWorking Successfully in Your Home OfficeWorking Successfully in Your Home OfficeWorking Successfully in Your Home Office
More and more people are working from home all or part of the time. That has a lot of advantages, such as a better work-life balance and being spared the daily commute to work. At the same time, employees working from home also face major challenges. Many of the structures otherwise taken for granted are no longer there, and the easy, convenient contact with colleagues is also gone. The personal responsibility is greater—everyone is called upon to structure their working time, organize their workstation, avoid distractions and stay self-motivated. Learn how to do this in this practical training that includes many tips and transfer tasks for your everyday life working from home.
Produktiver und zufriedener im Job
macrolearningBecoming More Productive and Satisfied at Work
Becoming More Productive and Satisfied at WorkBecoming More Productive and Satisfied at WorkBecoming More Productive and Satisfied at WorkBecoming More Productive and Satisfied at Work
In this e⁠-⁠learning course, you will learn how you can work more productively and with less stress. It's not about working faster and harder to boost output. Instead, you can employ easy-to-learn methods to structure your day efficiently and be more relaxed in achieving your goals. You will learn how to get into the flow and become absorbed in your work. We will show you what your biorhythm has to do with your productivity and how you can plan your day so that you work harmoniously with your internal clock. After all, people who work efficiently, with less stress, not only perform better but are also more relaxed and satisfied on the job.
Digitale Informationsflut effizient meistern
macrolearningOvercoming the Digital Information Overload
Overcoming the Digital Information OverloadOvercoming the Digital Information OverloadOvercoming the Digital Information OverloadOvercoming the Digital Information Overload
The ever-increasing use of digital communication tools has led to information overload in the workplace, which poses challenges for people every day. In this e⁠-⁠training course, you will learn how to control the flood of digital information by using personal information management skills. In addition, you will learn strategies for increasing your productivity, creativity, and ability to concentrate. Practical techniques and tricks will be introduced to demonstrate how to bring order to any overflowing inbox. Additionally, the e⁠-⁠training course will teach you how to scrutinize your personal use of digital communication tools more closely, as well as showing you methods for handling such tools in a balanced and healthy way.
Effektive Wochenplanung mit Zielen
microlearningWeekly Planning Made Simple for Achieving Goals
Weekly Planning Made Simple for Achieving Goals
With strategic weekly planning, you can make better use of your time and achieve your professional goals.
Die Trennung zwischen Homeoffice und Zuhause gelingt mir nicht
microlearningStruggling to Separate My Work in My Home Office from My Personal Life
Struggling to Separate My Work in My Home Office from My Personal LifeStruggling to Separate My Work in My Home Office from My Personal LifeStruggling to Separate My Work in My Home Office from My Personal Life
Those who work from home face the challenge that many of the usual work structures don't exist. This micro shows how they can better structure their own work time.
Im Homeoffice werde ich ständig von meinen Kindern unterbrochen
microlearningDealing with Interruptions from My Children in Home Office
Dealing with Interruptions from My Children in Home OfficeDealing with Interruptions from My Children in Home OfficeDealing with Interruptions from My Children in Home Office
In a home office, you always seem available and approachable as a parent. This micro shows how simple symbols can be used to clearly distinguish work mode from home mode.
Monotasking: Volle Konzentration
microlearningMonotasking: Full Concentration
Monotasking: Full Concentration
Monotasking allows you to tackle tasks one at a time and concentrate fully on them.
Produktiver arbeiten mit der ALPEN-Methode
microlearningWork More Productively with the ALPEN Method
Work More Productively with the ALPEN Method
Use the ALPEN method to efficiently plan your to-dos for the day and keep track of all your tasks!
Die SMART-Methode
microlearningThe SMART Method
The SMART Method
Here you will learn how to define your goals according to SMART logic so that they are precise and motivating.
Clever priorisieren mit der Eisenhower-Matrix
microlearningClever Prioritization with the Eisenhower Matrix
Clever Prioritization with the Eisenhower Matrix
Use the Eisenhower Matrix to prioritize your tasks by urgency and importance in order to focus on the right tasks.
Arbeitszeit im Homeoffice strukturieren
microlearningHow to Structure Working Time in Your Home Office
How to Structure Working Time in Your Home Office
In this micro, you'll learn how to manage your time in your home office efficiently and draw a clear line between working time, free time and breaks. Small rituals and a clear structure that is individually tailored help.
Ordnung im Postfach dank Inbox Zero
microlearningBringing Order to Your Mailbox Thanks to Inbox Zero
Bringing Order to Your Mailbox Thanks to Inbox Zero
With the Inbox Zero method, you'll get more order out of your inbox. You won't be distracted by emails outside of your designated time slots.