Employability stärken – Attraktiv für den Arbeitsmarkt bleiben
macrolearningEnhancing Employability—Staying Competitive in the Job Market
Enhancing Employability—Staying Competitive in the Job Market
The nature of work in the modern world is changing rapidly. Unlike the past where people would often do the same job for years, it has become common for work tasks to change frequently. This change is due to increasing digitalization, artificial intelligence, and temporary work. In this context, it has become increasingly important for employees to regularly undergo training and upgrade their skills to increase their own employability. But what does employability mean? What skills are necessary to stay efficient and attractive in the job market in the long run? What is the relationship between career identity, self-efficacy and employability? Our e⁠-⁠training course provides answers to all these questions and more on the subject of employability.
Nachhaltigkeit im Unternehmen – sozial, ökonomisch und ökologisch arbeiten
macrolearningCorporate Sustainability—Social, Economic, and Environmental Responsibility
Corporate Sustainability—Social, Economic, and Environmental ResponsibilityCorporate Sustainability—Social, Economic, and Environmental ResponsibilityCorporate Sustainability—Social, Economic, and Environmental Responsibility
Sustainability is probably one of the biggest buzzwords of the 21st century. People are becoming more and more aware of the need to live and act sustainably—not just consumers, but companies are also taking their impact on the world more and more seriously. Many companies are already committed to reducing CO2 emissions and using their resources responsibly. But what does sustainability actually mean? And how can we all contribute to a sustainable way of dealing with our planet, our economy, and our fellow human beings? That's what this e⁠-⁠training course is all about.
Ich habe Schwierigkeiten, im Unternehmen ein nachhaltiges Mindset zu schaffen
microlearningI'm Struggling to Foster a Sustainable Mindset Within My Company
I'm Struggling to Foster a Sustainable Mindset Within My CompanyI'm Struggling to Foster a Sustainable Mindset Within My Company
To establish a sustainable mindset in the company, you need perseverance, passion and commitment. This microlearning provides tips on how to do this.
Andere reden mir dauernd in meine Entscheidungen rein
microlearningOthers Are Always Telling Me What I Should Do
Others Are Always Telling Me What I Should DoOthers Are Always Telling Me What I Should DoOthers Are Always Telling Me What I Should Do
To make your own decisions, other perspectives are valuable, but setting boundaries is just as important.
Ich habe vor einer Entscheidung oft Angst vor negativen Konsequenzen
microlearningBefore Making a Decision, I Am Often Afraid of a Negative Outcome
Before Making a Decision, I Am Often Afraid of a Negative OutcomeBefore Making a Decision, I Am Often Afraid of a Negative Outcome
Many people are afraid of making the wrong decisions and are often paralyzed by their fears in the decision-making process. This does not have to be the case! In this micro-learning, we provide tips on how to make decisions with confidence.
Mein Kollege oder meine Kollegin respektiert meine Grenzen nicht und setzt mich dauernd unter Druck
microlearningMy Coworker Doesn't Respect My Boundaries and Is Constantly Pressuring Me
My Coworker Doesn't Respect My Boundaries and Is Constantly Pressuring MeMy Coworker Doesn't Respect My Boundaries and Is Constantly Pressuring MeMy Coworker Doesn't Respect My Boundaries and Is Constantly Pressuring Me
Boundaries at work are important for mental health and job performance. This micro shows you how to defend them.