Moving into the Age of AI with Confidence

The AI revolution is one of the fastest and most profound transformations in recent history. Hardly any professional field will remain untouched by it. This shift will require all of us to take a new approach to our work and the world around us. This e⁠-⁠training course does not provide hard facts about how algorithms work. Rather, it focuses on the human aspect. The objective is to guide learners in developing their resilience, grasping strategies to manage change effectively, and recognizing how discovering their purpose can foster fulfilling work experiences, even amid new circumstances.

Target group

  • Employees, with or without a management role, who do not know how they and their team should deal with the changing world of work due to AI.

Learning objectives

  • Acknowledging and embracing the growing influence of AI on the workplace and our daily activities
  • Learning tactics to strengthen one’s own resilience, to approach upcoming changes confidently and optimistically
  • Identifying challenges within change processes and mastering tactics to effectively address them
  • Discovering one’s own purpose and adjusting your work accordingly using active job crafting

Cultural Fit


Develop Yourself




Discover Exclusive Insights


Customer-Oriented Communication on the Phone


Feedback between Colleagues


Moving into the Age of AI with Confidence


Female Leadership—Leading Successfully Despite Gender Barriers


Resilience — Increasing Your Inner Resilience


Avoiding and Defusing Workplace Conflicts