Our e⁠-⁠learning courses build bridges between cultures. To achieve this, we produce content in relevant languages – of consistently high quality. There is no awkward dubbing. There are no garbled translations. That is a promise.
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Global Versions

We understand learning. And we are convinced that language barriers should not prevent learning. That is why we enable worldwide access to knowledge and competencies. Perfect for a wide audience with diverse backgrounds. This makes your employee's learning experience with our global versions unique.
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Cultural Fit

We understand culture. We therefore know that the content of many of our e⁠-⁠learning courses must be interpreted and conveyed in culturally different ways. We adapt our content with a great deal of cultural sensitivity. This is how we create a focused and unique learning experience. This approach makes us unique in the industry.

All e⁠-⁠learning courses are available in English and German, and are of the highest quality. Our production teams are hard at work, so that we can offer you this quality experience in many other languages.

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Highest quality - worldwide!

With our e⁠-⁠learning courses, our customers can train their global teams uniformly: the same learning outcomes, in their own language, and tailored to their individual culture. With our understanding of teaching and learning through a linguistic and cultural context, we have set a new benchmark for quality in the industry. It makes us unique. And also more than a little proud!

Digital training with PINKTUM knows no boundaries!

PINKTUM stands as your robust partner in digital training, offering unparalleled support globally. Explore our high-quality e⁠-⁠learning courses available in multiple languages and witness the significant benefits they bring to your employees worldwide.