Leading agilely with success – Agile Leadership

Nikolaus Schaefer

18. November 2020

„Agile Leader“ sind die Führungskräfte einer neuen Welt. Doch ist es überhaupt möglich, agil zu führen?

Die fünf Dimensionen von „Agile Leadership“

What can you lead in an agile way? What makes an “Agile
Leader”? Find out in our video “

Five dimenions of “Agile Leadership”

Thesis 1: Agile Leadership is the answer to a changed reality.

Above all, “Agile Leadership” is necessary because customers are more demanding than ever before. At the same time, they are less and less willing to commit to companies and brands. Good for those who actually put their customers center stage.

At the same time there is a lot of movement. New competitors, technologies, ideas and occasionally crises, such as Covid, enterthe scene from all sides.

This is now our present: unstable, uncertain, complex and ambiguous. Welcome to the VUCA world. Companies must learn to quickly respond to changes, or even better: recognize opportunities and set trends.

Traditional business structures are proving to be too inflexible. In addition, they leave essential resources unused especially the experience and creativity of the employees.

Agility is therefore always about speed, flexibility, diversity, creativity – and a contemporary way of speaking and working together.

Thesis 2: Companies profit from confident employees who are able to assess risks and dare to do something.

Anyone who deals with “Agile Leadership” sooner or later stumbles upon the mindset that must change in the agile world. What does that mean exactly? Here is an example:

Two employees are asked by their manager if they would like to take spontaneous leave. The short-term leave is a good idea, as there is not much going on in the department. One of them is happy to take the leave, quickly making the necessary calls. Then she’s gone. The other one refuses. It all happens too quickly and they are overwhelmed by the spontaneity.

One situation, two people, two reactions: the different reactions can be traced back to the mindset of the employees. The “mindset” is a mixture of outlook, attitude and world view. It shapes the thought and behavior pattern of each of us.

The mindset determines how people will respond to surprising situations and whether they have the confidence to deal with them.

The desire for something new or the preference for security: static and dynamic mindsets.

The motivational psychologist Carol Dweck distinguishes between “Fixed Mindsets” and “Growth Mindsets“. These are the most important differences:

Fixed Mindset (static mindset)

  • Personal talents are taken for granted and are fixed. They
    cannot be fundamentally changed.
  • The function of feedback is to highlight skills and reward
  • Challenges are risky because they carry the danger of
  • It is not worth investing a lot of energy and time in

Growth Mindset (dynamic mindset)

  • Every area has a potential for development and improvement.
  • Mistakes and challenges are opportunities to grow. They
    support personal development.
  • Success is possible. What is necessary can be learned.

Have you checked your mindset today?

In the agile world the mindset has a special significance: Where teams have to quickly respond to changing challenges, there is little time for long-term planning. Agile teams therefore rely on tests with manageable risks. What works is good. The rest is discarded. Defeat and failure are both part of this.

The trial-and-error-process is in stark contrast to German industrial culture. A good engineer doesn’t make mistakes. Their plans are successful. Opening oneself to the experimental, and sometimes playful, means a big change. Those who have experienced their socialization in a traditional context find this very hard.

Signs of a „Fixed Mindset“ are:

  • Fear of risk and challenges.
  • Fear of admitting to mistakes, as these are a sign of
    personal weakness. Self-confidence is closely linked to error-free work.

Signs of a „Growth Mindset“ are:

A relaxed way of dealing with failure. They are seen as
opportunities for growth.

The belief that practice and effort pave the way to success.

The belief that one can make a difference.

3. The task of a manager in Agile Leadership is to encourage employees to leave  well trodden paths and to think and act in an agile way.

On the way to an Open Mindset

Critics criticize the classification of people into “Fixed” and “Growth” and the associated pigeonholing. The mindset is, in fact, partly learned and can therefore be changed.

Mature employees in particular have grown up with the idea that mistakes are not admissible. They need courage and a trusting environment to develop the willingness to dare to do something new.

These are two important levers and tasks in Agile Leadership: encouragement and the creation of a respectful and appreciative team environment. A change in mindset is possible under these conditions.

4. A team on the way to agility learns most from its leaders.

What skills do you need when everything is constantly changing?

Everything depends on the mindset: Is change seen as an exciting challenge or a threat?

Change competence is based on willingness and ability. According to Prof. Dr. Jutta Heller, this readiness to change includes:

  • An openness to new things
  • Desire for change.
  • The ability to develop creative solutions to new situations.
  • Perseverance, in the face of setbacks, resistance and fears.
  • Personal resistance (resilience).
  • A clear sense of purpose and ability to pave a way to the
  • Belief in oneself.
  • The ability to obtain professional and human support and quickly build up
  • A clear assessment of one’s own possibilities, skills and

How does a team turn into an agile team? People can be trained and educated in many things. But the role of the manager has the strongest effect: Do they “live” agility? Do they represent the associated values? Or do they transport hidden rejection with their behavior and communication? Either way, they will achieve what they are striving for inside. If, however, they wish to form an agile team, they should model agility.

Agile Leadership needs good tools

Many agile tools emerge in practice. Many teams adapt their basic forms to their needs. According to Michael Bone, these are the most famous agile tools:

Daily Scrum

The team meets every day at the same time and in the same place – for 15 minutes. The meeting takes place standing up. Each team member reports:

  • What have I done since the last meeting?
  • What am I planning to do by the next meeting?
  • What hinders me in doing this?

Provided there is openness and trust, the Daily Scrum ensures transparency in the team. Everyone knows where the others stand. Short-term corrections, as well as support from colleagues, are possible.


At the end of a sprint, the team looks back and checks the current status: what went well and what could be improved on?

An honest retrospective gives you the chance to learn and develop. The team can draw conclusions and make new agreements based on the shared experience.

5. Agile Leadership is characterized above all by competence in communication and the ability to create a trusting working atmosphere.

Decisions and conflict management

Agile Leaders” will delegate decisions, wherever possible. Not everything always goes smoothly. Conflict is not far away when people get personally involved and put their heart into it. Everyone wants to see their part realized, convinced that this is important.

Agile leaders take benefit from the ability to pass on tasks based on the strengths of the employees. They are able to clarify expectations in advance with, for example, the help of Delegation Poker.

When faced with contentious decisions, they recognized the opportunities between “All or Nothing”, Win-Win”, “Lose-Lose”, “Best of Both Worlds” or “Yes, if nothing speaks against it“. They are also in the position to bring about decisions. In the case of conflicts, they can classify and moderate conflicts.

So, “agile leadership” it is?

Managers feel that something has to change. They search for new ways without necessarily talking about “agility” or “agile leadership“.

“Agile leadership” will in all likelihood prevail for two reasons, regardless of whether organizations consciously choose it or not.

Employees can no longer be addressed directly. As companies cannot afford to alienate and lose employees, they have to change their communication and culture.

Moreover, “Agile Leadership” did not emerge from a vacuum but rather as a response to changes in the market. In the long-run, no-one can avoid agility. It is conditioned by time – even if the sectors may differ in terms of the pressure to change.

Develop agile leadership skills with Pink University

The multimedia “Agile Leadership” e⁠-⁠learning course offers video lectures, a professional moderation, explanatory films, learning questions and transfer tasks. It is aimed at experienced leaders who want to review their methods, as well as junior leaders.


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