Presenting professionally and customer-centred

Souverän und kunden­zentriert präsentieren in der Versicherungs­wirtschaft
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Moderating & Presentation


Total time 70 minutes

The e⁠-⁠training describes central aspects of convincing presentations. This includes, for example, convincing body language and speaking style, a positive mindset, addressing the audience emotionally and successful conversation management during the presentation. The participants receive advice on all these aspects, and there are also tips against stage fright.


Learning objectives

  • Being able to present individually, motivationally and engagingly in front of clients

  • Be able to name the basics of verbal, non-verbal and para-verbal communication and explain the difference between them.

  • Interpret one's own body language signals and be able to use them in presentations to clients.

  • Being able to evaluate and change one's own mindset

  • Be able to use methods to reduce stage fright


Making yourself clear
Giving convincing presentations
Informing others

Authoring tool



Moderated video lectures
Animated illustrative videos
Enacted scenes
Transfer tasks
Interactive elements
Key messages
Knowledge Check
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