Giving Feedback for Better Cooperation with Your Insurance Customers

Feedback geben für eine bessere Zusammenarbeit mit Ihren Versicherungskund:innen
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Total time 60 minutes

For employees in insurance companies, the ability to give and receive clear and constructive feedback is a key success factor - both in teamwork and when dealing with customers. The e⁠-⁠training provides practical information on how you can not only optimize cooperation with colleagues through targeted feedback, but also sustainably strengthen the trust and satisfaction of your customers. The Johari Window, a model developed by social psychologists Joseph Luft and Harry Ingram, impressively demonstrates how feedback helps to reduce the “blind spot” in self-perception and expand your personal scope for action. This gives you confidence in your communication - a decisive advantage in customer contact. You will learn how positive feedback stabilizes and develops behaviour and how you can create an atmosphere conducive to relationships through clear feedback.


Target group

  • Intermediaries and consultants who are active in the sale of insurance products and employees who are involved in brokering or advising

  • Managers in the sale of insurance products

Learning objectives

  • Using feedback for a more productive customer relationship

  • Get to know and apply important factors when giving feedback

  • Accepting feedback successfully and constructively

  • Obtain customer feedback in a targeted and skillful manner to broaden your own perspective

  • Formulating critical feedback successfully and with lasting value for the customer relationship


Giving feedback
Getting feedback
Getting a grip
Acting fairly and with integrity
Continuously optimizing
Working within a network

Authoring tool



Moderated video lectures
Animated illustrative videos
Enacted scenes
Transfer tasks
Interactive elements
Key messages
Knowledge Check
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