microlearningWhy My Employee Praise Sometimes Backfires—and How to Get It Right
You want to appreciate your employees and praise them for their work. In this micro-learning, we will show you how to give praise that is specific, sincere, appropriately addressed, professional, and individualized.
microlearningI Find It Hard to Accept Praise from Others
You can allow yourself to accept praise and enjoy the positive words of others.
microlearningPromote Motivation with Praise
Praising employees is an important part of a positive corporate culture. You promote motivation and commitment in your team.
microlearningTargeted Team Building with the Team Development Model
Whether you're just building your team or they've been working together for a while, you can build team spirit at any stage. The team development model can help you find the right approach.
microlearningBenefits Which Retain Employees
To retain employees, the company offers benefits that go beyond the standard: flexible working hours, home office, training, performance-based pay and opportunities to help shape the company.
microlearningGiving Meaning to Tasks
Employees work better when the meaning and purpose of their work is clear to them. An understandable purpose, an inspiring corporate mission statement, good communication and authenticity play a key role in creating clarity.
microlearningAn Onboarding Process Which Fosters Loyalty
A good onboarding process is worth its weight in gold when it comes to integrating new employees and retaining them in the company in the long term.
microlearningExpanding the Self-Image with the Joahri Window
The Johari window shows the difference between external image and self-image. From this, you can deduce how you can help your employees or colleagues to achieve a healthy self-perception.