Verstehendes Lesen mit der SQ3R-Methode
microlearningComprehensive reading with the SQ3R method
Comprehensive reading with the SQ3R method
With the SQ3R method, you can better grasp the most important content when reading a text and keep it in mind for later.
Mir fällt es schwer, den Sinn bei stumpfen Routineaufgaben zu sehen
microlearningI Struggle to See the Point in Mundane, Routine Tasks
I Struggle to See the Point in Mundane, Routine TasksI Struggle to See the Point in Mundane, Routine TasksI Struggle to See the Point in Mundane, Routine Tasks
Sometimes, it may feel like your work is meaningless—but it never is! When you view your tasks as part of the larger picture, that's where you find the real meaning.
Es fällt mir schwer, meinen Start in den Lernprozess zu finden
microlearningFinding a Start in the Learning Process is Challenging
Finding a Start in the Learning Process is ChallengingFinding a Start in the Learning Process is ChallengingFinding a Start in the Learning Process is Challenging
It can be frustrating when learning doesn't work out the way you want it to. By realising why the skills you want to acquire are important, you will be able to motivate yourself for the learning process.
Ich verstehe KI einfach nicht
microlearningI Just Don't Understand AI
I Just Don't Understand AII Just Don't Understand AII Just Don't Understand AI
There is no shame in not understanding AI. This microlearning explains how to take the initiative and approach the topic with confidence.
Ich mache mir Sorgen um einen Kollegen / eine Kollegin, aber er/sie sagt, alles sei in Ordnung
microlearningI Am Worried About a Colleague, But They Say Everything Is Fine
I Am Worried About a Colleague, But They Say Everything Is FineI Am Worried About a Colleague, But They Say Everything Is FineI Am Worried About a Colleague, But They Say Everything Is Fine
If you notice that a team member is not feeling well, speak to them in an appreciative, empathetic, and confidential manner. This micro gives you tips on how to do this.
Ich nehme mir meine Arbeit zu sehr zu Herzen
microlearningI'm Overly Emotionally Invested in My Work
I'm Overly Emotionally Invested in My WorkI'm Overly Emotionally Invested in My WorkI'm Overly Emotionally Invested in My Work
If you are too emotionally involved in your work, we'll show you here how to channel the intensity of your emotions into productive avenues.
Andere wirken so souverän und stark – und ich krieg das nicht hin
microlearningOthers Seem So Confident and Strong—I Struggle to Measure Up
Others Seem So Confident and Strong—I Struggle to Measure UpOthers Seem So Confident and Strong—I Struggle to Measure UpOthers Seem So Confident and Strong—I Struggle to Measure Up
We all have uncertainties and weaknesses. This microlearning is designed to assist in embracing one's weaknesses, fostering more confidence in the process.
Gesunde Augen mit der 20-20-20-Regel
microlearningKeep Your Eyes Healthy with the 20-20-20 Rule
Keep Your Eyes Healthy with the 20-20-20 Rule
Do your eyes get tired and dry quickly with all the screen work you do? In this micro-learning, we'll introduce you to the 20-20-20 rule, which you can use to give your eyes quick and easy relief.
Mit Achtsamkeit den Arbeitsalltag gelassen meistern
microlearningCalmly Navigate Everyday Life through Mindfulness
Calmly Navigate Everyday Life through Mindfulness
Mindfulness can help you keep your perspective in stressful situations.
Mit dem Drei-Säulen-Modell der Nachhaltigkeit bewusster agieren
microlearningActing More Consciously with the Three-Pillar Model of Sustainability
Acting More Consciously with the Three-Pillar Model of Sustainability
The three-pillar model of sustainability helps you to be mindful of the available resources and to protect the environment.
Nachhaltigkeit im Unternehmen leben – mit CSR
microlearningPracticing Sustainability in the Company—with CSR
Practicing Sustainability in the Company—with CSR
CSR stands for corporate social responsibility. You, too, can become active in the CSR team and help to ensure that sustainability is actually practiced in the company.
Was ist generative KI und wo wird sie eingesetzt?
microlearningWhat Is Generative AI and How Is It Used?
What Is Generative AI and How Is It Used?What Is Generative AI and How Is It Used?
Generative AI is increasingly used in more and more areas of our lives. This microlearning will provide a brief explanation of what AI is and how it is currently being used.
Ich habe Angst, dass die KI meinen Job übernimmt
microlearningI Am Afraid That AI Will Replace My Job
I Am Afraid That AI Will Replace My JobI Am Afraid That AI Will Replace My JobI Am Afraid That AI Will Replace My Job
Being afraid of AI is the wrong reaction. We should see it as a tool and partner to simplify our own work processes and do what we really want to do.
Sich selbst motivieren
microlearningStaying Self-Motivated
Staying Self-Motivated
There are some to-dos that you like to put off. This micro presents three possible motivational techniques for getting unpopular tasks done.
Mit Job Crafting Aufgaben und Interessen verbinden
microlearningConnecting Tasks and Interests with Job Crafting
Connecting Tasks and Interests with Job Crafting
Job crafting helps you better match your tasks and responsibilities to your skills and interests.
Signaturstärken zur beruflichen Entfaltung nutzen
microlearningUsing Signature Strengths for Professional Development
Using Signature Strengths for Professional Development
Signature strengths are skills that you particularly like to use frequently and that distinguish you as a person. By using your signature strengths at work, you can achieve your professional goals and advance your career.
Leidenschaft gezielt im Job nutzen
microlearningPassion at Work
Passion at Work
Purpose means living out your passion at work. Passion is therefore a central key to finding out what really makes you happy.
Mithilfe des Goldenen Kreises einen Sinn im Job finden
microlearningFinding Meaning in Your Work with the Golden Circle
Finding Meaning in Your Work with the Golden CircleFinding Meaning in Your Work with the Golden Circle
The concept of the Golden Circle can guide you to discover deeper meaning in your work, leading to greater satisfaction and long-term success in your career.