Business skills

Aside from interdisciplinary skills, leaders and employees also require specific settings and roles. For example, sales employees deal intensively with topics related to selling and negotiating – from building relationships to leading difficult negotiations. Moderation, presentation and project management skills, on the other hand, play an indispensable role in working world of most employees – not to mention agility and innovation.
Praxisorientiertes Prozessmanagement: Die Grundlagen
macrolearningPractice-orientated process management: the basics
Practice-orientated process management: the basics
The training is intended as an introduction to the basics of process management. Process management methods are explained, as well as their concrete application in order to speed up processes and improve the quality of services. The training explains why process management is necessary in companies and how processes can be mapped in order to find sources of error and continuously optimise processes. Various methods are presented, e.g. the PDCA cycle and the 5 Why method. The training also provides suggestions on how teams can clearly assign responsibilities and competences in workshops.
Lean Management – Die Grundlagen
macrolearningThe Basics of Lean Management
The Basics of Lean ManagementThe Basics of Lean ManagementThe Basics of Lean ManagementThe Basics of Lean Management
This training is intended as a comprehensive introduction to the basics of Lean management. The essential contents and principles of Lean are explained, as well as the actual application—in the field of producing, as well as in the administrative field. This is possible because it is about the mindset for "Lean" thinking as well as some tools that are suitable for production and the office. In addition to theory, practical examples and transfer tasks also help to ensure that the course knowledge acquired is ready to apply.
Lean Management für Fortgeschrittene
macrolearningLean Management Advanced Course
Lean Management Advanced CourseLean Management Advanced CourseLean Management Advanced CourseLean Management Advanced Course
In this advanced training, basic knowledge of Lean Management is required and then expanded upon. Participants learn about obstacles they may encounter when implementing Lean Management, as well as active measures for employee development. This helps to support even more intensive customer service and a leaner value stream.
Big Data – Die Welt der Daten verstehen
macrolearningBig Data—Understanding the World of Data
Big Data—Understanding the World of Data Big Data—Understanding the World of Data Big Data—Understanding the World of Data
Big Data, Cloud, Artificial Intelligence (AI)—you've probably heard these terms before. But are you able to explain the meaning behind these trend words? Unless you're a data scientist or an AI developer, you may have a hard time understanding the world of data and related technologies. This is exactly where this e⁠-⁠training comes in: You will learn about important topics surrounding Big Data, with no prior knowledge needed. It is not about how you can handle Big Data yourself—but a basic overview of what Big Data actually is, the opportunities and challenges associated with it, and which methods and tools data experts use to create added value from Big Data.
Agile Tool-Box für den Arbeitsalltag
macrolearningAgile Toolbox for Everyday Work
Agile Toolbox for Everyday WorkAgile Toolbox for Everyday WorkAgile Toolbox for Everyday WorkAgile Toolbox for Everyday Work
This training provides an overview of common agile techniques. It should serve as a basis for the participants to decide whether and how these techniques can be integrated into their personal daily work. The focus is not on explaining the entire agile methodology, but rather on what you can pick out and implement relatively easily—even in non-agile work. The learning focus is on the application of agile techniques and tips for implementing them. The three themes are: collaboration, communication, and time management.
Agile Tool-Box für Workshops und Meetings
macrolearningAgile Toolbox for Workshops and Meetings
Agile Toolbox for Workshops and MeetingsAgile Toolbox for Workshops and MeetingsAgile Toolbox for Workshops and MeetingsAgile Toolbox for Workshops and Meetings
This course provides an overview of some Agile techniques that can be useful for designing and running meetings and workshops. While the emphasis is not on the entire Agile methodology, you will learn techniques that can be helpful in preparing for a meeting or workshop, execution, and follow-up, as well as tips for implementing what you've learned.
Strategisches Verkaufen – Grundlagen des strategischen Vertriebs
macrolearningStrategic Sales—Basics of Strategic Sales
Strategic Sales—Basics of Strategic SalesStrategic Sales—Basics of Strategic SalesStrategic Sales—Basics of Strategic Sales
Today, salespeople need to know more than just their product or service. They require extensive knowledge past simple customer and competitor information, or being able to conduct a sales conversation. Above all, salespersons must approach their key customers strategically and be able to build a relationship with them. This e⁠-⁠training course covers why a strategic approach is more important today than ever. You will learn what strategic sales is all about. Additionally, you will discover which situations and which customers strategic sales skills make sense for, and finally what mindset and skills are required for this.
Strategisches Verkaufen – Die strategische Kundenentwicklung
macrolearningStrategic Sales—Strategic Customer Development
Strategic Sales—Strategic Customer DevelopmentStrategic Sales—Strategic Customer DevelopmentStrategic Sales—Strategic Customer Development
Both talent and the right gut feeling are integral in operational sales. On a strategic level, however, it still requires a targeted approach with a system. During this e⁠-⁠learning course, you will learn what key account management is and which steps it involves. You will learn how to identify your key customers and which methods you can use to find out what makes them and their stakeholders tick. The e⁠-⁠training course also discusses answers to the following questions: What options are there for working with my key accounts? And which strategy is the right one? In this way, you will learn how to optimally develop your most valuable customers and achieve more revenue and profit in a partnership that suits both your company and the customer.
Strategisches Verkaufen – Beziehungs­­gestaltung
macrolearningStrategic Sales—Building Relationships
Strategic Sales—Building RelationshipsStrategic Sales—Building RelationshipsStrategic Sales—Building Relationships
Customer care plays a major role in strategic sales. Customers who do not feel like they are being looked after are very likely to turn to the competition or not make (further) purchases from your company. But what exactly is good customer care? Why does it make sense to understand the motives of customers and to consider them during customer care? Why does individual marketing make sense and what individual marketing measures are there? How can you implement them effectively? How can you successfully leverage cross-selling to build relationships? These issues will be addressed in detail during this e⁠-⁠training course.
Kundenorientierte Kommunikation am Telefon
macrolearningCustomer-Oriented Communication on the Phone
Customer-Oriented Communication on the PhoneCustomer-Oriented Communication on the Phone
Phone calls are old fashioned you say? On the contrary! Phone calls still play a central role in communicating with customers in sales and customer service. But what is the right way to address clients on the phone? And how do you professionally conduct a telephone conversation? It takes practice. This course covers how to use your voice skillfully, prepare for customer phone calls, and how to navigate through phone conversations in a structured way. You will also learn how to respond effectively to complaints along with tricks that will give your phone communication skills a competitive edge. This is how you build a good rapport with those on the other end of the line.
Die Grundlagen der OKR-Methode
macrolearningThe Basics of the OKR Method
The Basics of the OKR MethodThe Basics of the OKR MethodThe Basics of the OKR Method
Do you ever wonder what objectives your company is actually pursuing and how your work contributes to achieving these objectives? Would you like to be transparently informed about company values, vision, and strategy so that you can work more effectively and purposefully? Do you desire more effective and clear communication within your team and between different departments? Then it's worth taking a look at the agile leadership and time management framework OKR. The O in OKR stands for Objectives, which are the objectives you identify for yourself, your team, or your company using the OKR method. Behind the K and the R lie the key results, crucial milestones necessary to achieve your objectives. Through the thoughtful and clear naming of objectives and key results, the OKR method creates a clear and transparent focus on what is most important at the moment, helping companies achieve specific objectives in a precise manner. Does that sound good? Then take a look at our e⁠-⁠training course.
Präsentieren – Die Grundlagen
macrolearningPresenting—Basics of Professional Presentations
Presenting—Basics of Professional PresentationsPresenting—Basics of Professional PresentationsPresenting—Basics of Professional PresentationsPresenting—Basics of Professional Presentations
The ability to present confidently and persuasively is a key skill in more and more professions. This e⁠-⁠training course focuses on the basic techniques and methods that can be used to present content in an engaging and professional manner. Participants will learn how to tailor their presentations to the audience's expectations, prepare them well, and structure them logically. They will also receive practical tips on how to avoid pitfalls in advance.
Präsentieren – Persönlich, souverän und professionell
macrolearningPresenting – Convince with Confidence, Personality and Influence
Presenting – Convince with Confidence, Personality and InfluencePresenting – Convince with Confidence, Personality and InfluencePresenting – Convince with Confidence, Personality and Influence
Presenting is more than just reciting texts and showing graphics. A good presentation is personal, individual, motivating and engaging. In this e⁠-⁠training, participants learn methods to make their communication more direct, emotional and activating– both on a verbal and non-verbal level. Another focus of the training lies on practical ways to achieve a balanced, communicative mindset and to control stage fright from the outset.
Präsentieren – Überzeugend auftreten im virtuellen Raum
macrolearningPresenting – How to be Convincing in Web Conferences
Presenting – How to be Convincing in Web ConferencesPresenting – How to be Convincing in Web ConferencesPresenting – How to be Convincing in Web Conferences
In today's working environment, it is becoming increasingly important to convey content attractively and convincingly, even in online settings. Online presentations offer a variety of ways to capture the audience's attention and increase the quality of the presentation. This e⁠-⁠training outlines the specifics of presenting online. There are tips for dealing with the technology. Furthermore, participants will learn which media and methods they can use and how.
Klassisches Projektmanagement – Projekte erfolgreich steuern
macrolearningClassic Project Management—Successfully Steering Projects
Classic Project Management—Successfully Steering ProjectsClassic Project Management—Successfully Steering ProjectsClassic Project Management—Successfully Steering Projects
Have you defined your project goals and analyzed the environment of your project in detail? Yes?—Excellent! Then you are ready to move from the planning phase into the implementation phase of your project. As a project manager, your main task is to steer the project along the best possible path towards the project goal. In this e⁠-⁠learning course, you will therefore learn how and with which methods you can successfully manage your project. You will deal with the management of project goals, stakeholders, risk as well as project reporting. Each of these are valuable instruments in project steering.
Innovation – Prototypen bedarfsgerecht entwickeln und testen
macrolearningInnovation—Needs-Based Development and Testing of Prototypes
Innovation—Needs-Based Development and Testing of PrototypesInnovation—Needs-Based Development and Testing of PrototypesInnovation—Needs-Based Development and Testing of PrototypesInnovation—Needs-Based Development and Testing of Prototypes
Innovation and the testing of new developments are closely connected. In this e⁠-⁠training course, we will show you methods for prototyping, how to use them in the most needs-based way with relatively little effort, and how to gain important insights from them at an early stage and thus save on costs.
Innovation – Methoden für den Innovationsprozess
macrolearningInnovation—Methods for the Innovation Process
Innovation—Methods for the Innovation ProcessInnovation—Methods for the Innovation ProcessInnovation—Methods for the Innovation ProcessInnovation—Methods for the Innovation Process
Innovations must always have a place within a company. At the beginning of this e⁠-⁠training course, we will explain which phases characterize innovation processes. We will also take a closer look at a range of possible approaches to innovation development. There is a wealth of different approaches and methods for achieving different goals. In this e⁠-⁠training course, we will look at some of them in detail and show you which goals managers and innovation teams can achieve with them, as well as how they actually work.
Innovation – Ein innovatives Mindset fördern
macrolearningInnovation—Promoting an Innovative Mindset
Innovation—Promoting an Innovative MindsetInnovation—Promoting an Innovative MindsetInnovation—Promoting an Innovative MindsetInnovation—Promoting an Innovative Mindset
Innovative thinking can be learned. Developing an innovative mindset and promoting it in team members follows certain prerequisites and comes with some hidden stumbling blocks. In this e⁠-⁠training course, you will find out how you and your team can overcome what works against innovation and how to get mentally prepared for innovation.
Klassisches Projekt­management – Projekte erfolgreich planen
macrolearningClassic Project Management—Planning Projects Successfully
Classic Project Management—Planning Projects SuccessfullyClassic Project Management—Planning Projects SuccessfullyClassic Project Management—Planning Projects SuccessfullyClassic Project Management—Planning Projects Successfully
Do you sometimes have so many ideas for an upcoming task that you skip the planning for the task altogether and get started right away? Often, this “just do it” mentality is not a bad thing, sometimes it’s even the better way to get things done. In classic project management, however, it is the opposite. Here, planning is key to the success of the project! In this e⁠-⁠training course, you will learn about the success factors of planning in project management. You will learn which projects can be managed using traditional techniques and how important it is to clearly allocate roles to make the project successful. Furthermore, the course highlights the most important planning document(s) for managing a project. You will learn how to define milestones and thus give structure to project planning and the project phases. The course content ends with tips for how to use the kick-off meeting to transition from planning to implementation.
Digitalisierung verstehen
macrolearningUnderstanding Digitalization
Understanding DigitalizationUnderstanding DigitalizationUnderstanding DigitalizationUnderstanding Digitalization
"Understanding Digitalization" takes participants on a journey into the digital world, showing that digitalization is not just about converting physical products and applications into digital products and applications. Conversely, it is above all about the data that is generated in the process. As traditional companies disappear and new companies are emerge, professions are changing. Even doctors may be replaced by digital technologies. The presenter introduces the new power of customers and the need for customer centricity as another significant change. Finally, through transfer tasks, participants are encouraged to examine their own professional environment for digital challenges and potential to resolve.
Agiles Projektmanagement / Grundlagen
macrolearningAgile Project Management: Basics
Agile Project Management: BasicsAgile Project Management: BasicsAgile Project Management: BasicsAgile Project Management: BasicsAgile Project Management: Basics
Learn the basics of agile project management. At first glance, agile project management is compared to traditional "waterfall" project management, with the essential differences clearly illustrated using accompanying videos. Fundamental concepts of agile project management such as the Iterative and Incremental Approach are discussed, in addition to agile values and principles. The course concludes with a high-level overview of the process of an agile project.
Bedarf ermitteln
macrolearningIdentifying Needs
Identifying NeedsIdentifying NeedsIdentifying NeedsIdentifying NeedsIdentifying Needs
A needs analysis forms the basis for every sales conversation. In order to determine the demand, having knowledge of proven questioning techniques is important. Focusing on the easy-to-learn and highly-effective PPF Method, asking the right questions is exactly where this online training comes in. After asking questions about the present, the salesperson asks the customer questions about the past, and then uses future questions to further specify the need.
Methodeneinsatz in Präsenztrainings
macrolearningMethods of Training
Methods of TrainingMethods of TrainingMethods of TrainingMethods of TrainingMethods of Training
It's obvious that experts simply tell their listeners what they know. But a lecture is only one of many ways to effectively pass on knowledge - yet not always the best. In this course, users will learn about and apply other methods beyond a traditional lecture. Each method is adapted to the respective phase of the classroom training.
Agile Führung
macrolearningAgile Leadership
Agile LeadershipAgile LeadershipAgile LeadershipAgile Leadership
"Agility" is the answer to ever shorter-term planning processes and ever faster change. "Leadership" must also be rethought in this context. This e⁠-⁠training puts classic leadership tools to the test. It is divided into the areas of mindset (understanding of leadership), skillset (leadership competencies) and toolset (leadership tools). For all three areas, we will examine how thinking and the respective methods and tools must change in order to continue to meet the requirements of successful leadership.
Agiles Mindset entwickeln
macrolearningDeveloping an Agile Mindset
Developing an Agile MindsetDeveloping an Agile MindsetDeveloping an Agile MindsetDeveloping an Agile MindsetDeveloping an Agile MindsetDeveloping an Agile Mindset
The world of work is changing. Globalization and digitalization mean that old work and management strategies no longer suffice. This e⁠-⁠training course highlights the agile mindset and how it differs from the classic control mindset. Furthermore, Carol Dweck's growth mindset and fixed mindset concepts are explored to emphasize the importance of adaptability and innovation. Participants will learn how outdated mindsets pose risks in a dynamic business world and how an agile mindset enables rapid response to market developments. The course introduces the nine agile values—trust, focus, openness, courage, communication, respect, feedback, commitment, simplicity—and provides strategies for developing and maintaining an agile mindset.
Nutzen argumentieren
macrolearningDemonstrating Value
Demonstrating ValueDemonstrating ValueDemonstrating ValueDemonstrating ValueDemonstrating ValueDemonstrating Value
The value does not depend on the product, but on the user. Because knowledge of the buying motive is fundamental to the value argumentation, this e⁠-⁠learning presents the four most important buying intentions - safety, recognition, profit and convenience - their recognition, and appropriate response. Building on this, participants learn the five-step technique of value argumentation. Realistic examples show what an individual value argumentation can look like.
Didaktische Grundlagen für die wirksame Weitergabe von Wissen
macrolearningPrinciples for Effective Knowledge Transfer
Principles for Effective Knowledge TransferPrinciples for Effective Knowledge TransferPrinciples for Effective Knowledge TransferPrinciples for Effective Knowledge TransferPrinciples for Effective Knowledge Transfer
In this crash course on didactics, get an overview of the three major models: behaviorism, cognitivism, and constructivism. Also included in this course, you will find information on the roles and tasks trainers are often faced with. Finally, explore the MASTER Model and how it guides you when planning and structuring seminars.
Erstkontakt herstellen
macrolearningMaking Initial Contact
Making Initial ContactMaking Initial ContactMaking Initial ContactMaking Initial ContactMaking Initial Contact
Efficiency brings the highest possible return with relatively low investment. This is very important for customer acquisition as it is crucial to find exactly the right customers amongst thousands of potentials and to make the best possible initial contact. Research tools help users assess customer potential and then target those customers. This course also covers preparing the perfect Elevator Pitch.
Abschlüsse erzielen
macrolearningClosing the Sale
Closing the SaleClosing the SaleClosing the SaleClosing the SaleClosing the Sale
Many salespeople are excellent advisors, but often find it difficult to close the deal. This training enables sales staff to expand their skills by developing their closing technique. Using realistic scenes, you can observe how the purchase can be systematically completed. You will also learn how to terminate the sales process when it becomes clear that the customer does not want to buy.
Online-Verhandlungen führen
macrolearningOnline Negotiations
Online NegotiationsOnline NegotiationsOnline NegotiationsOnline Negotiations
More and more sales negotiations are being conducted online. This has many advantages, but also creates challenges. This e⁠-⁠training course, designed for experienced sales managers and sales professionals, deals specifically with the characteristic features of online negotiations. How can you build good relationships with your negotiating partners? How do you utilize the most constructive communication possible in online negotiations? And how do you resolve difficult situations? This e⁠-⁠training course answers these questions and shows you how online negotiations can intelligently and profitably expand your repertoire as a negotiation expert.