Personal skills

Pronounced self-competence means being able to organize, position and develop oneself successfully. Targeted training is made possible by knowing one's own strengths and potential, knowing how to increase one's motivation — and mastering strategies to make your daily work productive and stress-free. In today's working world, it is also of the utmost importance to be able to position oneself and convince others of your strengths.
Im Unternehmenssinne denken: Verantwortung übernehmen, Entscheidungen treffen
macrolearningAdopt a Company-First Mindset: Own Your Actions and Make Decisions
Adopt a Company-First Mindset: Own Your Actions and Make Decisions
Thinking and acting in the best interest of the company isn’t just important for the C⁠-⁠suite. Everyone benefits when their values and goals align with those of the organization. This e⁠-⁠training course explains how to do that, and how to take responsibility and make decisions. It offers tools for self-reflection on roles and expectations, discusses the process of responsible decision-making, and explores how the right mindset can help you learn from mistakes to grow both personally and professionally.
Lernen lernen: Weiterbildungschancen erkennen und nutzen
macrolearningLearning to Learn: Identifying and Seizing Further Development Opportunities
Learning to Learn: Identifying and Seizing Further Development Opportunities
Learning never stops, especially in today's digital and unpredictable work environment. Fortunately, today's employees can do more for their education than ever before. This e⁠-⁠training course introduces the concept of lifelong learning, explores future skills, offers tips for identifying personal learning needs, showcases diverse learning opportunities, and provides strategies for integrating learning into daily work routines. Additionally, it offers insights on effectively coordinating with managers and networking with colleagues to facilitate internal knowledge sharing.
Mental Health: Achtsam handeln im Arbeitsalltag
macrolearningMental Health: Being Mindful in Your Daily Work Routine
Mental Health: Being Mindful in Your Daily Work Routine
Mental illness is prevalent in the workforce, causing significant suffering for individuals and resulting in substantial economic losses. This e⁠-⁠training course aims to provide employees with options for managing their daily work routines in a way that minimizes the risk of mental health problems. To achieve this goal, resource-oriented health concepts are introduced, highlighting the importance of colleagues and social networks in preventing and detecting mental health issues early. Additionally, practical mindfulness and relaxation exercises are provided for assistance.
Probleme lösen – Von der Analyse bis zur Umsetzung
macrolearningEffective Problem-Solving—Strategies for Identifying and Solving Issues
Effective Problem-Solving—Strategies for Identifying and Solving Issues
We come across challenges in various aspects of life - be it at work, within the family, or on both large and small scales. While problems are an integral part of our daily existence, many individuals struggle to handle them rationally and effectively. Our e⁠-⁠training course offers you a structured approach: you'll gain the skills to precisely define problems, formulate targeted solution strategies, and consistently put them into action. Through practical methods and helpful tips, we assist you in every step of the problem-solving process, ensuring you have a solid grip on your challenges!
Employability stärken – Attraktiv für den Arbeitsmarkt bleiben
macrolearningEnhancing Employability—Staying Competitive in the Job Market
Enhancing Employability—Staying Competitive in the Job Market
The nature of work in the modern world is changing rapidly. Unlike the past where people would often do the same job for years, it has become common for work tasks to change frequently. This change is due to increasing digitalization, artificial intelligence, and temporary work. In this context, it has become increasingly important for employees to regularly undergo training and upgrade their skills to increase their own employability. But what does employability mean? What skills are necessary to stay efficient and attractive in the job market in the long run? What is the relationship between career identity, self-efficacy and employability? Our e⁠-⁠training course provides answers to all these questions and more on the subject of employability.
Fit im Job – Gesund und achtsam arbeiten
macrolearningStaying Fit and Active on the Job—Working Healthy and Mindful
Staying Fit and Active on the Job—Working Healthy and MindfulStaying Fit and Active on the Job—Working Healthy and MindfulStaying Fit and Active on the Job—Working Healthy and Mindful
Employees experience different physical and mental stressors in their daily work. These include, for example, excessive demands, stress, monotony, lack of autonomy, disruptions, varying shifts, and prolonged screen time. These stressors can lead not only to reduced performance but also to underlying health issues. In this e⁠-⁠training course, participants learn how to deal constructively with these stressors to remain healthy in the long term.
Nachhaltigkeit im Unternehmen – sozial, ökonomisch und ökologisch arbeiten
macrolearningCorporate Sustainability—Social, Economic, and Environmental Responsibility
Corporate Sustainability—Social, Economic, and Environmental ResponsibilityCorporate Sustainability—Social, Economic, and Environmental ResponsibilityCorporate Sustainability—Social, Economic, and Environmental Responsibility
Sustainability is probably one of the biggest buzzwords of the 21st century. People are becoming more and more aware of the need to live and act sustainably—not just consumers, but companies are also taking their impact on the world more and more seriously. Many companies are already committed to reducing CO2 emissions and using their resources responsibly. But what does sustainability actually mean? And how can we all contribute to a sustainable way of dealing with our planet, our economy, and our fellow human beings? That's what this e⁠-⁠training course is all about.
Mit Selbstvertrauen ins KI-Zeitalter
macrolearningMoving into the Age of AI with Confidence
Moving into the Age of AI with ConfidenceMoving into the Age of AI with ConfidenceMoving into the Age of AI with ConfidenceMoving into the Age of AI with Confidence
The AI revolution is one of the fastest and most profound transformations in recent history. Hardly any professional field will remain untouched by it. This shift will require all of us to take a new approach to our work and the world around us. This e⁠-⁠training course does not provide hard facts about how algorithms work. Rather, it focuses on the human aspect. The objective is to guide learners in developing their resilience, grasping strategies to manage change effectively, and recognizing how discovering their purpose can foster fulfilling work experiences, even amid new circumstances.
Purpose – Mit Sinn zum Erfolg
macrolearningPurpose—Understanding and Achieving Success
Purpose—Understanding and Achieving Success
Today's employees and companies often no longer define success simply by how quickly someone can climb the corporate ladder. Instead, it is increasingly measured in terms of responsibility, community benefit, satisfaction, and purpose. Why is purposeful work so promising? And what can help you find more purpose and joy in your job? This course will show you how to find purpose in your work and be more successful and satisfied in your company.
Gezielt netzwerken
macrolearningTargeted Networking
Targeted NetworkingTargeted NetworkingTargeted NetworkingTargeted Networking
This training course prepares employees to establish and maintain external contacts on a regular basis. It is intended to provide participants with an introduction to the topic, to help them better assess themselves, to set clear networking goals, and to structure and expand their own network.
Stressmanagement – Stress erfolgreich und gelassen meistern
macrolearningStress Management — Mastering Stress Successfully and Calmly
Stress Management — Mastering Stress Successfully and CalmlyStress Management — Mastering Stress Successfully and CalmlyStress Management — Mastering Stress Successfully and CalmlyStress Management — Mastering Stress Successfully and Calmly
Stress is a natural part of our lives. However, too much stress can have serious consequences. Numerous physical and mental issues can result from too much stress. During this e⁠-⁠training course, you will learn the definition of stress and the cause behind it. How can we succeed in reducing stress? Which methods of instrumental, mental and regenerative stress management are helpful? This e⁠-⁠training course provides answers to these questions. You will learn how to recognize stress, understand it better and manage it successfully through targeted techniques and methods.
Burnout besser verstehen und bewältigen
macrolearningUnderstanding and Managing Burnout Better
Understanding and Managing Burnout BetterUnderstanding and Managing Burnout BetterUnderstanding and Managing Burnout BetterUnderstanding and Managing Burnout Better
Burnout is an emotional and physical exhaustion syndrome, which can result from too much stress. In this e⁠-⁠training course, you will learn what the term "burnout" means, and how burnout can occur. What factors contribute significantly to this condition? What are the three stages of burnout? What can you do to stay healthy even under greater stress? And what must be done if burnout has actually occurred? This e⁠-⁠training course provides clear answers to these questions. You will learn how to recognize burnout, understand it better, and help to improve the situation by means of external assistance.
Resilienz – Die innere Widerstandskraft stärken
macrolearningResilience—Increasing Your Inner Resilience
Resilience—Increasing Your Inner Resilience Resilience—Increasing Your Inner Resilience Resilience—Increasing Your Inner Resilience Resilience—Increasing Your Inner Resilience
At work, we face pressure to perform, complex requirements, unforeseeable events, and uncertainties on a daily basis. Resilience makes it possible to deal with these challenges in a positive way and even to develop personally. But what is resilience? And what are the differences between resilient and non-resilient people? How can the seven pillars of resilience help you to confidently overcome challenges in your everyday work? And how can you go about strengthening your own inner resilience? These questions will be covered in detail during this e⁠-⁠training course.
Unconscious Bias – Vorurteile und Stereotype erkennen und reduzieren
macrolearningUnconscious Bias—Recognizing and Reducing Prejudices and Stereotypes
Unconscious Bias—Recognizing and Reducing Prejudices and StereotypesUnconscious Bias—Recognizing and Reducing Prejudices and StereotypesUnconscious Bias—Recognizing and Reducing Prejudices and StereotypesUnconscious Bias—Recognizing and Reducing Prejudices and Stereotypes
People tend to classify their fellow human beings into a pre-defined category system and evaluate them on that basis – but why is that? This e⁠-⁠training course deals with unconscious cognitive distortions and other unconscious thought patterns, such as prejudice and stereotypes, along with their causes. Participants will get to know various forms of unconscious bias – such as name bias, affinity bias and confirmation bias – and also receive some helpful tips on how to deal with them in a reflective way in their professional life.
The more self-determined and self-reliant you can be in your job, the more important it is to be self-motivated in your approach. In this e⁠-⁠training you will learn the basics of self-motivation. You will explore your motives and learn how to formulate clear goals. On this basis, we will introduce you to methods for motivating yourself effectively and maintaining your motivation in the long term. In addition, you will learn how to deal productively with obstacles. Numerous practical tips make it easier for you to apply the new knowledge in your everyday life.
macrolearningTime Management
Time ManagementTime ManagementTime ManagementTime Management
Anyone wanting to use time productively must first have an idea of where their time currently goes. This e⁠-⁠learning begins by inviting participants to write down their estimates. Then, for two weeks, write down what you've done during every hour of the day. This self-assessment will then be used as a basis for learning the essential methods of time management. The Pomodoro Method, batching, timeboxing, and prioritizing according to the Eisenhower Matrix. The goal is for participants to learn to manage their time in a way that other team members can rely on. This e⁠-⁠learning can also be used to get to know individual methods more closely.
Lernstrategien – Methodenkoffer
macrolearningLearning Strategies—Method Toolbox
Learning Strategies—Method ToolboxLearning Strategies—Method ToolboxLearning Strategies—Method ToolboxLearning Strategies—Method ToolboxLearning Strategies—Method Toolbox
With the aid of learning strategies, it is possible to guide memory and learning processes for specific goals. This e⁠-⁠training course introduces participants to a series of learning strategies based on research in the psychology of learning. These strategies are geared to widely varied learning goals—ranging from classic rote learning, to the consolidation and structuring of knowledge, to the more efficient use of informative texts and one's own notes. Participants will learn how to apply these strategies for self-directed learning opportunities in everyday work, and what makes them so effective.
Erfolgreich arbeiten im Homeoffice
macrolearningWorking Successfully in Your Home Office
Working Successfully in Your Home OfficeWorking Successfully in Your Home OfficeWorking Successfully in Your Home OfficeWorking Successfully in Your Home OfficeWorking Successfully in Your Home Office
More and more people are working from home all or part of the time. That has a lot of advantages, such as a better work-life balance and being spared the daily commute to work. At the same time, employees working from home also face major challenges. Many of the structures otherwise taken for granted are no longer there, and the easy, convenient contact with colleagues is also gone. The personal responsibility is greater—everyone is called upon to structure their working time, organize their workstation, avoid distractions and stay self-motivated. Learn how to do this in this practical training that includes many tips and transfer tasks for your everyday life working from home.
Selbstorganisiert lernen
macrolearningSelf-Organized Learning
Self-Organized LearningSelf-Organized LearningSelf-Organized LearningSelf-Organized LearningSelf-Organized Learning
With the possibilities offered by digitization, learning is becoming more flexible, diverse, and individualized, than ever before. Thanks to this, you now have the opportunity to take more control of your learning process. In this e⁠-⁠training course, you will learn about which parts of the learning process you can have an influence on – and you will receive numerous tips for successful self-organized learning. You will learn how to identify your learning needs, and, from these, you will learn how to set learning goals and get to grips with learning content. You will also find out how to select the appropriate learning resources and create a framework that is conducive to your learning. Furthermore, you will learn how you can learn productively with other people. And, finally, you will learn how to evaluate your learning process.
Produktiver und zufriedener im Job
macrolearningBecoming More Productive and Satisfied at Work
Becoming More Productive and Satisfied at WorkBecoming More Productive and Satisfied at WorkBecoming More Productive and Satisfied at WorkBecoming More Productive and Satisfied at Work
In this e⁠-⁠learning course, you will learn how you can work more productively and with less stress. It's not about working faster and harder to boost output. Instead, you can employ easy-to-learn methods to structure your day efficiently and be more relaxed in achieving your goals. You will learn how to get into the flow and become absorbed in your work. We will show you what your biorhythm has to do with your productivity and how you can plan your day so that you work harmoniously with your internal clock. After all, people who work efficiently, with less stress, not only perform better but are also more relaxed and satisfied on the job.
Digitale Informationsflut effizient meistern
macrolearningOvercoming the Digital Information Overload
Overcoming the Digital Information OverloadOvercoming the Digital Information OverloadOvercoming the Digital Information OverloadOvercoming the Digital Information Overload
The ever-increasing use of digital communication tools has led to information overload in the workplace, which poses challenges for people every day. In this e⁠-⁠training course, you will learn how to control the flood of digital information by using personal information management skills. In addition, you will learn strategies for increasing your productivity, creativity, and ability to concentrate. Practical techniques and tricks will be introduced to demonstrate how to bring order to any overflowing inbox. Additionally, the e⁠-⁠training course will teach you how to scrutinize your personal use of digital communication tools more closely, as well as showing you methods for handling such tools in a balanced and healthy way.
Zirkeltraining für die Karriere
macrolearningWorkout for Your Career
Workout for Your CareerWorkout for Your Career
There's circuit training for those who want to increase their athletic performance. But what about those who want to get in shape for their career? What do they do? Joachim Pawlik, a former professional athlete and leading consultant for the performance of managers and the development of potential, has adapted the circuit training method to professional life. At ten stations, you will learn which skills play a crucial role and how to develop them. You will learn how to take genuine responsibility in crucial moments and how you can have greater courage. You will see how you need to practice getting the last ten percent out of yourself and improving speed by thinking more slowly. At every stage, there will be questions to reflect on, exercises, and micro-learnings to challenge you to take a critical look at yourself and work on yourself with specific objectives – for greater flexibility, resilience, and performance at work as well as in your personal life.
Die Verantwortungen in meinem Beruf machen mich fertig
microlearningMy Work Responsibilities Are Exhausting Me
My Work Responsibilities Are Exhausting Me
Responsibility means prioritizing. In this microlearning, you’ll learn how to reflect on and evaluate your roles and the expectations that come with them.
Ich habe eine Fehlentscheidung getroffen
microlearningI Made a Wrong Decision
I Made a Wrong Decision
With the right mindset and thorough analysis, you can learn from mistakes and grow from them. This micro gives you tips on how to do just that.
Effektive Wochenplanung mit Zielen
microlearningWeekly Planning Made Simple for Achieving Goals
Weekly Planning Made Simple for Achieving Goals
With strategic weekly planning, you can make better use of your time and achieve your professional goals.
Strukturiert Entscheidungen treffen
microlearningStrategic Decision-Making
Strategic Decision-Making
The more responsibility you have, the more often you'll face tough decisions. This microlearning explains how to make good decisions as frequently as possible using a strategic decision-making process.
Ich traue mich nicht, meine Wissenslücken zuzugeben
microlearningTackling the Fear of Acknowledging What I Don't Know
Tackling the Fear of Acknowledging What I Don't Know
Acknowledging one's own knowledge gaps can be intimidating, yet it's essential for personal growth and improvement. This micro shows how it's done!
Ich möchte meine Führungskraft überzeugen, mir eine Weiterbildung zu erlauben
microlearningPersuading My Manager to Authorize Further Development
Persuading My Manager to Authorize Further Development
In this microlearning module, we demonstrate effective strategies for organizing and prioritizing your arguments to persuade your manager to support your ongoing education.
Mit VUCA flexibel umgehen
microlearningNavigating VUCA with Flexibility
Navigating VUCA with Flexibility
The readiness and capacity for ongoing personal and professional growth in the dynamic VUCA world enable individuals to not only keep up with change but also thrive from it.
Sich leichter Dinge merken mit der Loci-Methode
microlearningMemorise things more easily with the loci method
Memorise things more easily with the loci method
With the loci method, you link information with familiar places to make it easier to remember.